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How quickly one scoliosis progresses?

How quickly one scoliosis progresses?

One of the characteristics of scoliosis is that very often the condition becomes more and more obvious as time goes on. A bulge that may not have been apparent suddenly can become quite pronounced and deform if left untreated for a long time.

Αλλά πόσο καιρό χρειάζεται για ένα κύρτωμα να φτάσει σε αυτό το σημείο; Πόσο γρήγορα μπορεί να εξελιχθεί μία σκολίωση και ποιο διάστημα θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε ότι είναι ασφαλές να μείνει χωρίς αντιμετώπιση;

Each case is unique.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions. Some curves stop evolving after a while while others evolve very quickly and continue to evolve until they are treated..

In idiopathic scoliosis, in most cases the bulge grows approximately when the child enters adolescence and continues to grow throughout skeletal development until about the age of 16 – 18 years old. However, the rate of evolution may vary from person to person and there is no guarantee that this deformity will stop evolving when skeletal maturation is complete..

Things are more complex if we take into account that there are many forms of scoliosis. Although idiopathic is the most common, there are other factors that can cause a disturbance in the normal form of the spine, such as neurological diseases or normal wear and tear with aging..

How can the development of a scoliosis be stopped?

Once a scoliosis has been diagnosed one or more of the following methods can be used:

Special physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis: a non-invasive way to stop the development of the deformity and if it is possible to correct it using a specialized exercise book

Braces: Orthotics through lightweight materials that hold the spine to a specific position in order to stop the development of the deformity and if it is possible to have a correction.

Surgery : using special rods used to hold the spine in place

The associates of Schroth are specialized in dealing with deformations with any of the above methods or a combination of them chooses as the most suitable for your case

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