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Can the bad attitude cause scoliosis?

Can the bad attitude cause scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a three dimensional deformation of the spine can be caused by various factors, for example diseases affecting the nervous system such as cerebral palsy or myodystrofies. Some children have congenital scoliosis as their backbone not developed correctly in the womb. Other scoliosis occurs later due to degenerative lesions of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

The majority of cases of scoliosis concern idiopathic scoliosis that occurs during adolescence and is of unknown etiology

So far we have referred to various cases that cause scoliosis.

A case that certainly does not cause scoliosis is poor posture

Poor posture can have very negative effects on a person's overall health but there is no evidence that a bad position in an armchair or literally hugging our laptop will lead to scoliosis. The same misconception exists with cases such as having a heavy bag at school or hanging it on one shoulder. Scoliosis can be caused by a variety of neuromuscular and skeletal factors, Poor posture is not one of the causes of scoliosis

This does not mean that it does not cause negative effects on general health. Due to poor posture can be caused:

  • backache
  • neck pain
  • shoulder pain
  • Functional kyphosis
  • range of motion limitation
  • uneven distribution of loads on the body
  • muscle imbalances.

Schroth associates are specialized in dealing with the symptoms of your incorrect posture and training you to adopt a posture closer to normal standards..

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