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Observing a normal spine from the side will see that there are two gentle curves with inwardly, in the neck and waist area while an opposite curl in the back area. The bosses in the neck and waist area called lordotika while the camber of Kyphotic back.

There are several reasons why a person may develop a hump Kyphotic larger than normal . The most common causes are muscle weakness, poor attitude , disease and osteoporosis Scheurmann.

Disease Scheurmann

Scheuermann's disease is among the most common sources of pain in the back young people, with pain most likely to follow either exercise or long periods of inactivity. What happens is that there is a disorder that causes lots of vertebrae grow at different rates during the child's development. This disorder causes the generation of wedge vertebra changing the pitch of the overlying and underlying vertebrae . These changes have resulted in excessive Kyphotic camber in the back area.

The Scheuermann disease starts before puberty. It is not known what causes the abnormal growth of the vertebrae, but there are theories that the bone may be injured at some time or there may be a hereditary factor.

The condition associated with skeletal growth and curvature usually is not increased after the completion of growth. Estimated that 1 until 8% people develop the disease.

The disease mostly occurs in the back, but it is possible to develop lumbar. When the disease is in the lumbar spine, The distortion is usually not so obvious, but lumbar distortion often causes greater pain, more limitation of motion and increased likelihood of a continuation of the situation in adulthood.

If the disease is not treated early then problems in adulthood is quite possible with predominant symptom pain.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms mainly appear in ages 10 with 15 wherein the spine develops very rapidly.

The symptoms are usually pain in the back area that becomes worse with new activity, feeling tired especially when the child is sitting long hours at school, At the point where the shoulder skin is large it may be red from contact with the chair back, There may be a small spasm and difficulty in movement.

It is rare that the disease can cause serious damage to internal organs or spinal cord but if grown in large size may push the lungs which will lead to breathing problems.

Evaluation of kyphosis

Physical examination usually consists of observation upright contemplated muscle strength and mobility of the spine. Also asked the child to make leaning forward To comment on this post Like to lie on your back to see if kyphosis disappears, which will lead us to the conclusion that it is probably kyphotic posture and not for Scheuermann's disease.

The size of kyphosis measured in degrees is considered normal anything between 20 and 40 Mires.

Evaluation is completed with the analysis of X-ray or other imaging methods. Usually an angle greater than 45 Our degrees leads to the conclusion that it is the Scheuermann's disease, or if you observe three or more vertebrae have a wedge shape and angle between the above 5 degrees.

20% with 30% of people have Scheuermann's disease simultaneously and some form of scoliosis.


Treatment is usually conservative and involves special physiotherapeutic exercises, correction of posture, mobilization and potentially torso brace.

The shank guardians have proved effective even in kyphosis to 75 °.

kyphotic posture

When we stand upright our muscles must work to resist compressive forces exert gravity on us. If they do not have the strength to do so tend to "wallow" in our spine curves which increase and Kyphotic and the camber lordotiko. Often this bad attitude respect and promotion of the shoulders in front view as the head forward. Usually a targeted exercise program is enough to correct our attitude.

Kyphosis caused by osteoporosis

Due to a decrease in bone density degenerative changes and automatically fractures occur in the vertebrae.

Addressing concerns that exercise will help to maintain the correct posture of the patient and balance exercises that will reduce the likelihood of falling and a possible fracture in the spine.

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